Potty training can be challenging depending on the child for us parents and my three year old son has not taken to it easily. So I read about all the different styles and ways to potty train a toddler. But I choose the route of taking cues from my toddler on his readiness to use …
5 Easy ways to Survive your day when you Co-sleep
Do you find yourself waking up even more tired now that you have little ones who are crawling into your bed in the wee hours of the night? When I was younger co-sleeping or bed sharing with my parents or even grandparents was the norm. For a long time I shared a bed with my …

3 Toddler & Mom approved activities for in flight entertainment
As I mentioned previously this summer we will be traveling a few times this July so I have been putting together a some items that we will be taking with us on the plane to keep busy. Since this is the first time I will be traveling with the kids by myself I want to …