Hi there friends, I had the pleasure of attending a fun event last night with LIKEtoKNOWit in collab with WeWork spaces at their Lincoln Road location. There was a wonderful panel of ladies who shared their tips, expereinces, and journey becoming influencers. I walked away last night with tons of great reasources as well as …
Family Time IN N Y C
My takeaways and a few of my favorite photos from our short trip in NYC.
How I learned to teach my children about having a positive body image
Recently, I was staring at my extra armpit, an area that has been bothering me for some time now. I proceeded to snap some pics of my armpits because I was thinking of documenting some exercises I am trying to reduce them in size. Without realizing it I said out loud that I thought that …
Finding Stylish Luggage for our next travel adventure
The last time I purchased luggage was when I was headed to the Netherlands in 2012, that piece severed me well for about four years. Then on a trip to New York the handles were broken by the airline baggage handlers, so now that were going to be traveling again I needed to find us …
3 Toddler & Mom approved activities for in flight entertainment
As I mentioned previously this summer we will be traveling a few times this July so I have been putting together a some items that we will be taking with us on the plane to keep busy. Since this is the first time I will be traveling with the kids by myself I want to …
Standout in Vibrant Yellows with this Summer Ready Jumpsuit
Summer time is here which means our calendars are either booked with tons of fun activities or its gonna be one of those lazy summers. Both sound like a great summer to me where ever or however you plan on spending it. This summer I have a few family trips planned so I wanted to …
How we do Family Friday Date Night
CALL ME! After trying 1-800 Lucky earlier in the month on a trip to the Children’s Museum with the kids, I knew I’d be bringing my husband back. So we made it a family date night and took the kids with us one Friday out to Wynwood. As I mentioned in this recent post, …
Unwind with a Friend this weekend at Le Chick
A couple of weekends ago I was able to spend sometime with my dearest friend and grub on some tasty food at Le Chick in the redefined Wynwood District. I have found myself spending more time in the area just because there are so many new places to eat with great aesthetic. Each location is …