Hi, I’m Cindy
Work with Me
Beauty, LifeStyle, Self Care


    Every month when I see that pink package I get excited because I know that there are some new goodies waiting for me.  It’s like Christmas every month for me but better because its full of beauty and makeup products. This months theme is social butterfly featuring colorful butterflies all over the makeup …

Beauty, LifeStyle, Self Care

Spring Skincare Remix :: Serums & Face Mists

  Skincare has become more of a concern for me now that I’m older and I’m not sleeping much at night with two little ones. On the plus side most of my life I’ve been told that I have really good skin. Thanks mom and dad for the good genes! But lately my skin has …

LifeStyle, Motherhood

"hashiebrown" break

  Every now and then I treat myself to an extra cup of coffee, seriously I typically only have one a day and some how I make it through the day.  But some days when it’s just the two of us we get to sit down and spend some quality time together.  We love to …


Neve :: One Year

  This past weekend we celebrated our precious little girls first birthday. But earlier in the month we took some of our own photos of her for her birthday and had so much fun doing it.  I am no professional but I enjoy getting my sister involved and getting Neve all dressed up.  Its wonderful …

Family, LifeStyle, Restaurants

Date Night

After a long day, week of adulting its nice to relax and unwind with good food and even better company.  Before we use to be able to pick up and go out to eat whenever, wherever we wanted.  But with two kids it’s a little bit more different now we tend to stay in more …

Family, LifeStyle, Local Finds, Restaurants

Casa Tua Cucina

One of our favorite places to eat while in the Netherlands was La Place which is a chain of restaurants that offers a variety of fresh food stations inside a department store.  So when we saw Casa Tua Cucina inside of Saks in the Brickell City Centre we had to give it a try.  It was …

LifeStyle, Motherhood

Potty Time

Potty training can be challenging depending on the child for us parents and my three year old son has not taken to it easily.  So I read about all the different styles and ways to potty train a toddler.  But I choose the route of taking cues from my toddler on his readiness to use …