Hi, I’m Cindy
Work with Me
Gift Ideas

scents & sweets:gift ideas

  As Valentines day approaches we all have that special someone or a friend that you want to share the love with this year.   So giving a gift with a sweet little twist or one that will help your loved one wind down in a special way is a great way to say I …

Beauty, Favorites

Gloss and more

I am a lover of all things makeup from eye shadow to highlighter except lips its my least favorite.  Maybe because I really don’t think that I have full lips.  But I still want to find that perfect shade or combo that will work for my small lips.  Over the past couple of months I …

Beauty, Inspiration

Sephora Rewards

Love shopping and getting gifts then visit your local Sephora to get your beauty rewards First Aid Beauty. I picked mine up today while out with the little ones. What I love about Sephora is every time I shop I earn points that I accumulate to get additional goodies.

Inspiration, LifeStyle, Me Time, Self Care

Reflecting on Reality

At the start of every new year we create for ourselves a list of goals that we want to accomplish.  Along with that comes the dreaming of how things will be once that goal has been achieved.  Some of us get caught up in the planning / dreaming but never really accomplish the goal for …


Merry Christmas Card

Every year, every mom scrambles to get their kids into cute outfits and all smile at the same time to get the best christmas card picture.  This year I decided that I would be hat mom and attempt to make my kids smile and be cute for the camera.  But with little ones we all …


Tea Time

Flu season came early this year for us not only was I sick and not sleeping so were the little ones.  Both had stuffy noses, coughs, and high fevers.  I felt like I was not going to get well or get through this flu season.  It lasted a whole month I even thought I was …

Favorites, Inspiration, LifeStyle, Me Time, Self Care

Five favorites bring back a better day

What do you do to feel better when your day does not go as planned?  Sometimes it can be hard to remember what makes you happy when your in the funk.  Even I have difficultly some days however lately I have been liking to turn to some oldies to make me feel better.  A few …


Oh bébé

After the birth of son growing our family was part of our plan but so was buying a new home, going back to school for me and then planning on having baby number two. Although we had a plan, life is happening regardless of that plan and we found out that I was pregnant and …