A big thank you to Florida Milk and Foodie Tribe for a wonderful kickoff to 2021 South Beach Wine and Food Festival. After a year of cancelled events and hoping for those white tents to return to our sandy beaches of South Florida. I couldn’t have been more ready to taste, mingle and enjoy an evening with other local bloggers.
A year and some of being cooped up in our homes creating content and entertaining the masses it was finally time to enjoy all the hard work. It was a pleasure to able to celebrate our community local content creators with brands that we use and love daily. It wouldn’t be a SOBEWFF event without delicious food by Chef Chris Valdes another local favorite. Every bite was better the one before. I wish I could’ve brought home that mac and cheese for my son. I think the mini burgers were my personal favorite.
Not your typical sunny Miami evening, Wednesday was much more cooler and extremally windy for an outdoor terrace event at the recently renovated @gatessouthbeach located here on South Beach. But in good Miami fashion outdoor events will happen even in the midst of a hurricane. It was my first time at the Gates Hotel South Beach and I absolutely love the entrance and lobby renovations. Next date we will be making reservation at OLA a Latin inspired restaurant located downstairs. In the meantime I am looking forward to our stay at The Gates Hotel Key West for my birthday in September.
Downside to being a content creator is that sometimes you may find yourself solo at these events but it is always nice when you see a familiar face. Or you do what you do best; work the room and make some new friends. Honestly I find that the latter is actually not so true of other content creators. But not ME I enjoy asking who you are and getting to know more about your brand and what you do. So please don’t ever be afraid to say HI! Which is exactly what I did before seeing some familiar faces I had not seen in over a year and half due to the pandemic and her moving. Nevertheless these mom’s were able to catch up and have some fun for the night. It’s not everyday we get to have someone else bring us food and drinks.

One the best parts about being a content creator is being able to connect with other content creators new and old. So glad I was able to see Krystal from Bambina Diaries a beautiful mama that I met through my amazing online community. As well as connect with Tracey from Food Wine and Sunshine.
Okay maybe the amazing food and drinks is the best part about being a content creator. Here are some more photos from my evening. A huge thank you to Florida Milk and Foodie Tribe for this awesome event as well as all the vendors.


Ended my evening with a Veza sur brewing co beer!
Thank you for reading!