Hi, I’m Cindy
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Accessories, Beauty, Inspiration, LifeStyle, Restaurants

Mother’s Day Gift Inspiration for every MOM

Mother’s Day is less than a few days away.  What better way than to share your appreciation with a MOM in your life than with a gift that she will love.  This year I am putting together my very first mothers day gift guide to share with you.  We all need to find the perfect …


Boho Casual mini denim skirts, straw hats ready for a long summer Weekend!!

Back with another DENIM fav,  the denim mini skirt!  In my previous post here, I wanted to share some of my denim inspired outfit ideas for a busy stay at home mom. As I mentioned I am a denim lover and will always find a way to wear it.  One of the most classics is a denim mini. …

Inspiration, LifeStyle, May:: Mental Health Wellness, Me Time, Motherhood, Series

May: Mental Health Month:: A moms mental health

Happy Mothers Day Ladies!     Today is a reminder of how becoming a mom has been so rewarding and challenging all at the same time. I am more aware now, how important mental health is and even so much more for moms, all types of moms, because we all don’t fit into one kind …

Inspiration, LifeStyle, May:: Mental Health Wellness, Parenting, Series

May: Mental Health Month:: Ways to Help each other in your Relationship

Good Morning, If you have been reading your probably already aware that I have been writing a series this month on removing the stigma associated with Mental Health.  As we come to the end of May my last post will be on how we can help each other in a relationship where mental health conditions exist.  …

Inspiration, LifeStyle, May:: Mental Health Wellness, Series

May: Mental Health Month: Four Ways to help “CureStigma”

KNOW THAT YOU CAN START LATE, LOOK DIFFERENT, BE UNCERTAIN, AND STILL SUCCEED. When you think of May you don’t really think of mental health, yet it truly is the “Best” month to bring awareness to the subject of Mental Health.  May is “Mental Health Awareness Month”, as it is also Spring, a time for new …

Family, LifeStyle, Motherhood, Restaurants, Things To Do: Miami - Fort Lauderdale

Family Fun Weekends:: Homestead Hot Air Balloon Glow Festival

I have always seen the beautiful hot air balloons on TV and all over social media.  That’s why when I heard about the Hot air Balloon Glow Festival that was coming to Miami.  I couldn’t pass up a chance to see one of those colorful balloons up close.  I could finally check seeing a hot …