Just finished writing my paper and I should be moving on to more home work but I felt like indulging in a little blogging time. This past weekend I stop by CVS and while I waited for my passport pics to be printed I found…. Maybeline Master Drama eyeliner in Midnight Master goes on really …
Birthday Dinner at STK Miami
So I am a little late with this blog post but for the chef in my life we celebrated his birthday with dinner at stk miami. It was really quiet and romantic. The food was really great there were two appetizers, drinks and a hugh 32 ounce porter house steak yuummm. Thanks giltcity miami . I bought …
Bloggin Date
Been a little busy over the summer with summer classes. Now that the fall semester has started I actually have more time on my hands cause I have been staying ahead with my homework. Chef Rob and I went looking for a second hand bike at the Goodwill store and didn’t find anything. Since it’e …
DRB Miami
DRB Miami A few weeks ago after a dance rectial of a family friend my sister Gina, Roro, Bob and I stopped by DRB Miami (Domestic Republic of Beer). We ended up trying a few things off their beer and food menus. Gina had the fish and chips and we had the beef sliders. All …

Yoga in the Sun at Deering Estate
This year I’ve made a few changes in my life and have encorporated some yoga into my growing. Every tuesday morning since I came back from San Fransico I attended class with Zamanta Archibold over at Deering Estates. I have learned how to breathe and using my own body as a tool in becoming a better …
Travel Diaries: half moon bay
My first day in half moon bay has been fun. Spent the day walking around the town and saw some quaint little stores. Buddhi and I took a drive up the coast it was like seeing nature at it’s best. Here are some pics of how I spent …
I read today that TV occupys majority of a persons time and actually leads to lack of motivation. I’ve deceided that I’ll try watching less TV and see how my thoughts and activities change. After stuying I took in the skirt I bought at forever21 and am going to try it with a bright …
Fake Favors
Why do people think that they have done favors for you when in truth they didn’t not? Just because in passing I mentioned to you that I had an issue and then it was resolved does not mean that you helped me resolve it. I have been the one putting fire under the issues a** …