Making playtime more fun with her @jakkstoys Perfectly Cute bubbling bathtub and baby dolls with accessories.

Neve has been nurturing and giving baths to her every chance she can get. Her @jakkstoys Perfectly cute baby doll is a great new addition to her doll collection. We love the realistic Perfectly Cute Bubbling bathtub. Once you fill the bath with water you can use one knob to spray water from the extendable nozzle. Or create a relaxing bubble bath by pumping air into the water using the other knob.

These are great gifts for the holidays. Bath Time Babies are sold separately and are 14” tall and hard-bodied for use in water. Babies include soft, fabric hooded towels, removable fabric T-Shirt, Velcro diaper, and starfish toy. Bath Time Babies are available in three styles: African American, Latino and Caucasian. Both are linked in my stories

#JakksPerfectlyCuteBathTime #sponsored #perfectlycute
Find and add these Perfectly Cute Baby Dolls with Bath Time accessories your littles collection using my link here or head to @jakkstoys for more.
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Your daughter is just beautiful.
Will be in FL in Dec. 15-18, 2022