Favorites, Inspiration, LifeStyle, Me Time, Self Care

Five favorites bring back a better day

What do you do to feel better when your day does not go as planned?  Sometimes it can be hard to remember what makes you happy when your in the funk.  Even I have difficultly some days however lately I have been liking to turn to some oldies to make me feel better.  A few things that have been making my day better has been reading a book, a great cup of coffee or a mini staycation to help me unwind.  I am even finding some stress relief in some of the new pastimes like social media, when it invloves sharing what my kids are up too.  Here are five things I have been doing to help bring better days.
Right now one of the books on my reading list is Reality Unveiled: The Hidden Keys of Existence That will Transform your life (and the world) by Ziad Masri.  This book has been a fresh of breath air since it is bringing together for me ideas that have been dormant. It explains how the energies around us are interwoven and how that energy is affected or can be changed. I have no doubt that our universe has a way of speaking to us and it just may be through the energy that flows throughand around us.  I recommend you pick this book up or enjoy it like me anywhere using my kindle app on my apple devices.

Getting to spend time outside when its not raining with his guy and posting his adventures onto his new instagram account rian_rules has been fun.  I get to take pictures and play with my kids while they have a blast.  The best part is we can look back at the pictures together and talk about that day.
lady_neve {catch her sweet smiles on instagram}
Even on a mundane day when there has been an endless flow of dirty diapers or round of bottles between the two of them.  Getting a smile from one of them is the best feeling, it helps me remind me that their smiles is why I change so many diapers.
Then there’s my cup of coffee, when it’s still warm, just makes my day.  Early morning before the choas my fingers wrapped around that warm cup and the aroma of the coffee making its way into the air….. sorry I lost myself in moment.  It is also a great laundry buddy when your staring at piles of dirty clothes.  I get that great cup of coffee using my Nespresso coffee machine with my favorite coffee flavor Arpeggio.

Or I grab my Ban.do The Getaway Mega Blooms Duffle Bag pack a few things and head down by my sister for a night away with the kiddos.  I drop one off at the grandparents so they get some quality time.  Then Rian an I camp out, watch movies, have bubble baths at his aunts house and I get a breather.  Plus this duffle is cute and provides me with a little reminder to have fun, ok!!
feel good today!!

Cincity Style Edition

Cindy is a SAHM to two energetic little one’s (4 and 2) and married to her number one supporter. She is a graduate of FIU with her bachelor’s in Psychology and minor in women’s studies. Founder of her own blog, she writes about local restaurants, family activities, fashion, and mommy life. She is passionate about her family, coffee, yoga, personal growth, fashion, and supporting other women all while having fun in life. Before becoming a SAHM she managed her father’s Frameless Shower Door company, working in many of the high rise buildings that line the Miami Skyline. She still looks for new cranes whenever staring out over the buildings. During her last semester at FIU she lived in Maastricht Netherlands on a study abroad program at the University of Maastricht. She now resides in the Fort Lauderdale area with her family and has turned in the hard hat for sunny days on the playground with her kids. You can find her sharing daily life on insta stories and over on her blog www.cincitystyleedition.com

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