Do you have a picky eater at home? Do you worry that they may now be eating their school lunches? Well, I do all of the above!
At the start of the school year, I worried that Rian would not eat his school lunch. That is when I began looking for a bento lunch box that would allow me to pack foods that I knew he would enjoy. That is when I saw Arushi from The Snazzy Mom share about the on her Instagram stories. I instantly knew that this would work for the school year since it came with a removable thermos. Which means not having to pack separate containers for warm/cold meals
On the first day of school, we prepared Mac & Cheese in his OmieBox with lots of snacks. At the end of the day, we were informed he did not want to take lunch anymore. He would be eating lunch with the rest of the kids. Three weeks into the new school year and I am back to packing lunch daily for Rian. It is not something that is foreign to me we did it when he was in VPK since he school was smaller and did not have a functioning cafeteria. But I was excited that he would be inclined to try the new menu items that are being served in Broward Schools.
Mac & Cheese for lunch

In the mean time we’ll be thinking up more bento box lunch ideas. A few of our favorites have been PB & J, Ham & Swiss minis, chicken nuggets. We also keep a variety of snacks on hand ranging from mini chocolate chips, goldfish, fruit snacks, frozen yogurt and fruit help pique his interest during lunch.