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Potty Training Round Two – Potty Training my second child made easy with Potty Training Tips from season Mom’s

Potty Training Round Two



It is it really that that time again? To tackle potty training with child number two, well for me it is at least.  Neve just turned three and has begun to show interest in the toliet.  I was not really ready to start the whole potty training process again. So I may or may not have put it off for awhile.  But then quarantine happened so I thought it would be a good idea to at least start process.  This time around wasnt much different from when I potty trained Rian.  I had the same laid back approach the only difference was that we had no where to be.

Most moms tend to tackle potty training like it is some kind of extreme sport.  However I truly believe that potty training does NOT have to be some an extra task.  Especially during at time when we mother’s are taking on so many additional roles adding another task to our plate just doesn’t make sense.  I do beilive that it can be made easier  — I mean moving from diapers to using the toilet is a natural process.  One thing I have learned from be a mom is that our kids learn by watching EVERYTHING we do.  My first mom advice is start there they follow you to the bathroom anyways.  So when they are in the bathroom with you take that time to show them the process.  You’ll even notice when they begin to show interest themselves.  My kids liked to help with flushing then became curious about what was in the toliet.  It was during this time I let them be involved (not matter how annoying of inconvient it may be) let them help you through the toliet break process.  They will remember when it’s their turn to do it.



Neve is always following me into the bathroom that is when I would start talking to her about using the ‘big girl’ potty like mommy.  This was something I did with Rian as well when he would follow myself or his dad into the bathhroom.  I would let Neve close the toliet lid and flush.  Then we both wash our hands before leaving the bathroom.  Taking these moments to model the behavior of using the potty for them helps them grasp a better idea on what they are suppose to do when it their turn.



Readiness is not only for your child this is also for you to momma.  This expeience is suppose to be a positive for both of you and your child.  So making sure that you are ready to take on the constant potty breaks and cleaning up accidents is also important.  If you have decieded that you are ready then being aware of your child’s readiness is also just as important.

I could tell Neve was ready when she began showing interest in sitting on the toliet herself.  She would pretend to go “peepee” and want to wipe and flush.  Another sign of readiness that both my kids exhibited was hiding when it was time for them to poop.  Once I saw this behavior from both of them I took that as personal awareness of their own body’s functions.



Once I decieded we would begin the potty training process during the stay at home order.  I did not have a plan in place just that we would take it one day at a time. We started by adding using the potty to our morning routine.  As soon as Neve woke up we’d take her straight to the bathroom remove the diapers and put her on the toliet.  Then for the rest of the day I had her in panties only and would continue to remind her throughout the day to go potty.  Neve has been really good at being ware when she needs to go and letting me know.  We have had a few accidents mostly during lunch time.  I have found handling accidents by staying postive and reminding her that they will happen helps build confidence and reduces fear of the toilet.


Two weeks after starting the potty training process we are still utiliing diapers at night and during nap breaks but most of the day Neve is in panties and is doing a wonderful job at letting me know when she has to go.


Potty training my dauther during the stay at home order has been much easier than homeschooling my son.   Mom’s if you are up for the task then it is up to you to set you and your child up for success.  Do not feel pressured to potty train your son or daugther just because everyone else is doing it.  Does it matter when it happens really?  Now or Later, we all eventually learn to use the toilet.  The key is to be consitent and create a positive experience for your child.



I asked a few of my mom friends to share what worked for them when they took on potty training with their kids.  Here are some of their suggestions.  I hope that these help you too!


Potty Training Tips from real Moms

Gio a South Florida photographer and mom of two adroable boys says that music was key to potty training.  One of her kids favorites is the Daniel the Tiger potty song. it helped her tons!

Maneesha a boy mom used the Three Day Potty training, no pulls and consitency with regular potty breaks!

Kathryn is a mom to the cutest two girls said that her girls were rewarded after sucessful potty breaks.

Claire is all about just go for it with no pull ups just pants. On Day 1 Use the potty every 20-30 Mins.  Create a sticker chart with clear goals and a reward in sight it very helpful.  On Day 2 continue reminding your child to take potty breaks.

Dhara is a boy mom to two handsome little guys.  Also has the Once you start do not STOP attitude with her boys.  She also suggest foregoing the pulls and going straight for underwear.

Danielle a mom of three says don’t start before your child is ready.  Creat a sticker sticker chart for daily potty break success that leads to large rewards after 10 stickers. Find a reward applicable to your child. Her eldest loved M&M’s so she offered him an  M&M for every successful potty break along with the sticker leading up to the larger reward for continous success.




Shop Potty Training Tools

Sticker Chart

Portable Potty 

Dispoable Seat Covers 




Have you potty trained a child during quarantine? How did it go for you?


Thank you for reading!




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