A trend this fall is exotic prints one of them being snakeskin. Like the leopard trend snakeskin can be used as small accentuating pieces or as neutral to build your outfits on. But it brings an element of fun and class to your outfits. Even though I like leopard it seems like everyone is wearing it and not venturing into new territory. Snakeskin can be worn everyday to work or in the evening out with girls what I love is that it’s not tacky. Check out a few outfit ideas I put together with some snakeskin pieces from my closet.
Snakeskin Skirt
Nude Pumps, Gold bangles & clutch
This snakeskin skirt was 2.99 from sears and a 12P I ended up taking it in and pairing it with a nude racer back top from F21 and nude max studio pumps from TJ Maxx. Just a few accessories makes this really affordable skirt into a great evening outfit using this exotic trend.
Snakeskin Dress
Suede beige low heel pumps, square brown clutch, sliver bracelet and hoop earrings
Another way you can rock this trend even at work is with the H&M dress only 14.95. I paired it with low neutral heels, a belt to breakup the pattern, silver jewelry, and this cute clutch from F21.
Snakeskin Belt

With this outfit because of all the rain we’ve been having for the past six days I choose to do something simple. I added this skinny white and gray snakeskin belt from target 12.99 to jeans and a black H&M button down top some black heeled suede oxford shoes. It helped the dreary day look so much more fun what I like is that you can add this colored patterned belt to a jeans and top to help it look so much more sophisticated.
Snakeskin Wedges
This outfit reminds me so much of fall with the pumpkin color kimono cardigan over jeans, suede emerald green belt, and these max studio wedges from TJ Maxx. I added the jewel tones with the green/antique bracelet and the dangly earrings.
I hope that these outfits inspire you to dig thru your closet as well and find outfits that can brighten your day the way these beautiful pieces did for me. I love find new ways to make my outfits unique and as much as I love leopard here’s a new way to add some spice to your wardrobe.