Our daily lives have changed so much from the start of the COVID pandemic. Now we are obsessed with being germ-free, the latest fashion accessory is a mask, and everyone is keeping their distance. It has made the thought of dining out a little nerve racking for me. In the past few months as Florida began to re-open I have been invited to a few birthday celebrations that I ended up turning down. It starts with a seris of questions running through my mind about the resturants social distancing practices, the guest and who everyone has been in contact. Then I think about how guilty I would feel if I went out and brought the virus home to my family. All of the unknown factors of the virus has left myself along with many Americans living in this space of fear.
This fear has left us sheltering in our homes with the sole aim to stay healthy and ensuring our communities stay safe. However in those last six months celebrating and mourning has taken place via zoom calls. It has been heart breaking to attend funerals or celebrations through video although I knew how important it is for everyone’s safety. This type of social isolation was starting to reflect in my mental health. My anxeity and fear began to worsen that I needed to face my fears of re-entering the social world.
By the time I decided I was ready to venture out and dine with friends who I had not been in contact with for the past six months. My husband and I had been on a few day dates locally. That I felt comfortable with how most of the resturants in Fort Lauderdale were handling the limitations placed on their business due to COVID. Resturant owners were experimenting with creative new methods daily to ensure that everyone’s dining experience is pleasurable and meets CDC guidelines. While dining out we saw many resturants displaying signs where and when masks are required along with hand sanitizing stations setup in public areas. Waiters are wearing masks at all times, sanitizing wipes are offered at tables, and reservations are limited to 2 or 4 at some resturants, dining out normally as we know it has defintely changed. Now with all the new safety measures in place and information from the CDC, what’s most important is our own awareness of the situation.
I truely belive that dining out during COVID doesn’t have to be dauting and we can slowly get back to socializing safetly. Here are some of my tips to dining out during COIVD. All which we have used when dining out as a couple, with friends, and with our kids.
Maintain Social Distancing
We are all aware that wearing your mask and gloves is one precaution that we can all take when having to interact with each outher. Continuing to maintain social distancing as more business begin to re-open is just important. If you haven’t been in contact with a somone even your bestfriend for sometime. It’s okay to ask the hard questions before agreeing to get together. Like where/who they have been in contact with recently? Ultimately staying healthy is the goal for us all and being aware of those you come in contact is key. When you are out grabbing a to-go order or waiting to be seated maintain the social distance of 6 feet apart and don’t be afraid to poliety ask those around you to do the same. If you feel like tables or chairs are not properly distanced ask to be seated at a table that offers safer distances. A perfect example of this was at dinner last night. We were originally seated at one end of a high top table intended for about six people out doors near a larger group. Although we were alone at the high top I moved us to the opposite end so that we would not be so close to the large group not wearing their mask.
Bring your own Hygiene Bag
Many establishments have been great at provided patrons with wipes, hand sanitizer and hand washing stations. However, I always like to come prepared that is why I have created a personal hygenine bag that contains at least 2 mask, 2 sets of gloves, a spray hand sanitizer, and wipes that I put into old Ipsy makeup bags. One of these personal hygenie bags that I put togther lives in my purse, the kids bag, and in each of our cars. So that if for any reason you forgotten your mask, gloves, sanitizers a hygeine bag is available.
Make wise Choices
For months so many of us have not been in contact with family and friends as you begin to head back out and socialize make wise choices when it comes to yourself and your family memebers. Choose family friendly resturants when dining out with small children. If one your favorite resturants has high traffic during certain hours try to stop by earlier or when you know there will be less of a crowd. My husband and I have have been very cautious when taking both of our kids out to dine during COVID. Once to Henry’s Sandwich Shop in Fatvillage where we were able to dining outdoors and there were a limited number of patrons present. We choose to go during the weekday when we knew that the more youthful crowd would be at work. Another favorite of ours is Lester’s Diner where we aware that the patrons would be respestful of the safety measures in place.
Plan in Advance
At a time when our fears are driving most of our decision making it’s a good thing to be prepared by planning ahead more so when dining out with kids. Remember to be patient with yourself, resturants and the safety measures they have implemented. Call ahead to ask any questions you may have about social distancing measures, curfew, parking, and have a back up resturant in mind. Recently, Miami Beach implented a 10 p.m. curfew so that when dining out at Juvia Miami we were having dessert by 9:15 p.m. and all of the Lincoln Road Mall shops were closed as we left the resturant. This may have been the most oddest part about dining out during COVID for me seeing all the shops empty and streets deserted.
After care after Dining Out
Following proper after care once we have dined out has been essential to us staying healty. Washing your hands before leaving the resturant and washing hand upon arriving home is recommended. We avoid touching surfaces while out and using wipes to clean tables, utensiles and rims of glasses. I’ve even seen a personal untensil kit on amazon that you could include in your personal hygine bag up above if you wanted. In our home once arriving home everyone is changed out of their clothes, hands are washed, and the kids are given baths. Gloves are disposed of before leaving the resturant and mask are washed once at home.
Being aware of the situation and my own level of comfort while dining out has been necessary for our family to be able to safetly socialize. We have only been out a handful of times in the past six months. At the start of the pandemic we enjoyed cooking at home and trying out new recipes. Other days we ordered in doing what could to support our local resturant owners. At a very uncertain time in our lives doing what is best for you and your family to stay safe is what is signficant. If you are planning on dining out with friends and family or just as a unit I hope that these tips are helpful.
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